Thesaurus responsorum ex « Notitiae » - Notitiae Response Database
[Part of Ipsissima-Verba]

Hoc in situ interretiali ordinantur responsiones, explanationes, et decreta ex « Notitiae » aliisque interdum fontibus (ut AAS) deprompta. Finis est praestare textum originalem, versionem anglicam, et exemplar PDF paginarum pertinentium ex « Notitiae » vel alio fonte. Praesens igitur inceptum opusculum « Ordo Missae locis correspondentibus illustratus » aliquatenus extendit. Est enim labor imperfectus quem, cum operae mihi est, suscipio. Denique Reverendo domino Danieli Gill, domino Radosław Gosiewski, et domino Abram Córdova y Muenzberg, qui nonnullas ex responsionibus transcripserunt, gratias refero, item etiam domino Ioanni Oliveire dominaeque Cristae Mootz, qui in linguam anglicam responsiones quasdam verteri adiuvaverunt. Exemplaria PDF exstant etiam textuum nondum transcriptorum. This website organizes responses, explanations, and decrees from Notitiae and sometimes from other sources (such as AAS. The goal is to provide the original text, an English translation, and a PDF scan of the relevant pages from Notitiae or other source. In some ways, the project is a further development of my Cross-Referenced Ordo Missae. This is an ongoing prject which I work on in my spare time. I am also grateful for the help of Rev. Daniel Gill, Mr. Radosław Gosiewski, and Mr. Abram Córdova y Muenzberg in transcribing some of these responses and also to Mr. Johan Oliveire and Miss Crista Mootz for helping to translate certain responses into English. PDFs are available even for texts that have not yet been transcribed.
Fac Patrem Dylanum Schrader certiorem si habes proposita vel corrigenda. Contact Father Dylan Schrader with suggestions and corrections.
N.B. In « Notitiae » 1 (1965) et 2 (1966), supra responsa, invenitur monitio: Solutio quae proponitur nullam induit vestem officialem. Solummodo habet valorem orientativum: solutiones enim ex officio publici iuris fient, si casus fert, a competenti Auctoritate in « Acta Apostolicae Sedis ». N.B. In Notitiae 1 (1965) and 2 (1966), this notice appears above the responses: The solution which is proposed takes on no official character. It has only an orientative force; solutions will be published officially, if the case warrants, by the competent Authority in « Acta Apostolicae Sedis ».

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Utrum reliquias Martyrum aliorumve Sanctorum sub altari condendi usus servari debeat necne.


1. Can. 1237, § 2 CIC1 statuit usum condendi sub altari reliquias Martyrum aliorumve Sanctorum servandum esse iuxta normas, quae in libris liturgicis inveniuntur:
« Antiqua traditio Martyrum aliorumve Sanctorum reliquias sub altari fixo condendi servetur, iuxta normas in libris liturgicis traditas ».

2. Normae, de quibus CIC loquitur, enumerantur in ODEA (p. 22, n. 5 et p. 85, n. 11):
« Liturgiae Romanae, traditio Martyrum aliorumve Sanctorum reliquias sub altari condendi, opportune servabitur. Haec tamen notentur:

a) Reliquiae deponendae eius sint magnitudinis ex qua intellegi possit humanorum corporum eas esse partes. Itaque vitandum est ne nimis exiguae condantur reliquiae unius vel complurium Sanctorum.
b) Maxima cum diligentia inspiciatur num reliquiae deponendae authenticae sint. Praestat altare sine reliquiis dedicari quam dubiae fidei reliquias sub eo deponi.
c) Reliquiarum capsa neque super altare neque in altaris mensa est collocanda sed, attenta altaris forma, sub altaris mensa condenda ».

3. Novus CIC praedictas normas minime immutavit,2 qua de re vim suam retinent.

Haec est interpretatio facienda n. 266 IGMR, qui in textu « Variationes » refertur, abrogatione ibi facta adverbii « opportune » haud obstante.

1 Sigla:
CIC = Codex Iuris Canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli II promulgatus 25 ianuarii 1983.
ODEA = Ordo dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris, 29 maii 1977.
IGMR = Institutio generalis Missalis Romani, 2 martii 1975.
« Variationes » Variationes in libros liturgicos ad normam Codicis nuper promulgati introducendae, 12 septembris 1983: cf. Notitiae 19, 1983 pp. 540-555.

2 Textus « Variationes » nullam de re variationem exhibet (cf. ibid. p. 17, X. In Ordinem dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris).


A Doubt
Whether the practice of inserting the relics of Martyrs or other Saints beneath an altar should be preserved or not.


1. Can. 1237, § 2 CIC1 establishes that the practice of inserting the relics of Martyrs or other Saints beneath the altar is to be preserved according to the norms that are found in the liturgical books:
« The ancient tradition of inserting the relics of Martyrs or other Saints beneath a fixed altar should be preserved, according to the norms given in the liturgical books ».

2. The norms of which the CIC speaks, are enumerated in the ODEA (p. 22, n. 5 et p. 85, n. 11):
« The tradition of the Roman liturgy of inserting the relics of Martyrs or other Saints beneath the altar will opportunely be preserved. These things should, however, be noted:

a) The relics to be placed should be of sufficient size to be understood to be parts of the human body. Therefore, inserting the relics of one or several Saints that are too small should be avoided.
b) With the utmost care, it should be investigated whether the relics to be placed are authentic. Better to dedicate an altar without relics than to place relics of dubious authenticity beneath it.
c) The capsule for the relics must not be placed on the altar or in the mensa of the altar but, with attention to the form of the altar, should be inserted beneath the mensa of the altar ».

3. The new CIC did not at all change the aforementioned norms,2 so they retain their force.

This is how to interpret n. 266 of the IGMR, which is referred to in the document « Variationes », the removal made there of the adverb « opportunely » notwithstanding.

1 Sigla:
CIC = Codex Iuris Canonici promulgated by the authority of John Paul II 25 January 1983.
ODEA = Ordo dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris, 29 maii 1977.
IGMR = Institutio generalis Missalis Romani, 2 martii 1975.
« Variationes » Modifications to be introduced into the liturgical books according to the norm of the recently-promulgated Code, 12 septembris 1983: cf. Notitiae 19, 1983 pp. 540-555.

2 The document « Variationes » shows no change on the subject (cf. ibid. p. 17, X. In Ordinem dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris).

Notitiae 20 (1984): 192–193altar, relicsPDF of Notitiae 20 (1984): 192–193