Thesaurus responsorum ex « Notitiae » - Notitiae Response Database
[Part of Ipsissima-Verba]

Hoc in situ interretiali ordinantur responsiones, explanationes, et decreta ex « Notitiae » aliisque interdum fontibus (ut AAS) deprompta. Finis est praestare textum originalem, versionem anglicam, et exemplar PDF paginarum pertinentium ex « Notitiae » vel alio fonte. Praesens igitur inceptum opusculum « Ordo Missae locis correspondentibus illustratus » aliquatenus extendit. Est enim labor imperfectus quem, cum operae mihi est, suscipio. Denique Reverendo domino Danieli Gill, domino Radosław Gosiewski, et domino Abram Córdova y Muenzberg, qui nonnullas ex responsionibus transcripserunt, gratias refero, item etiam domino Ioanni Oliveire dominaeque Cristae Mootz, qui in linguam anglicam responsiones quasdam verteri adiuvaverunt. Exemplaria PDF exstant etiam textuum nondum transcriptorum. This website organizes responses, explanations, and decrees from Notitiae and sometimes from other sources (such as AAS. The goal is to provide the original text, an English translation, and a PDF scan of the relevant pages from Notitiae or other source. In some ways, the project is a further development of my Cross-Referenced Ordo Missae. This is an ongoing prject which I work on in my spare time. I am also grateful for the help of Rev. Daniel Gill, Mr. Radosław Gosiewski, and Mr. Abram Córdova y Muenzberg in transcribing some of these responses and also to Mr. Johan Oliveire and Miss Crista Mootz for helping to translate certain responses into English. PDFs are available even for texts that have not yet been transcribed.
Fac Patrem Dylanum Schrader certiorem si habes proposita vel corrigenda. Contact Father Dylan Schrader with suggestions and corrections.
N.B. In « Notitiae » 1 (1965) et 2 (1966), supra responsa, invenitur monitio: Solutio quae proponitur nullam induit vestem officialem. Solummodo habet valorem orientativum: solutiones enim ex officio publici iuris fient, si casus fert, a competenti Auctoritate in « Acta Apostolicae Sedis ». N.B. In Notitiae 1 (1965) and 2 (1966), this notice appears above the responses: The solution which is proposed takes on no official character. It has only an orientative force; solutions will be published officially, if the case warrants, by the competent Authority in « Acta Apostolicae Sedis ».

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Nous relevons dans « La Vie du Diocèse », revue officielle du diocèse de Mont-Laurier au Canada (28 janvier 1973, pp. 8-9), un article intitulé « Femmes et Liturgie », dans lequel l’auteur écrit notamment:

« Il y a quelques mois paraissait à Rome un document qui réformait les « ordres ecclésiastiques », où il était bien dit que les femmes ne pouvaient en aucun cas accéder à ces ordres, pas même à celui de lecteur et d’acolyte. Mais un commentaire émanant de Rome a par la suite bien précisé que si les femmes ne pouvaient recevoir ces derniers ordres, elles pouvaient cependant en exercer la fonction. Alors, mesdemoiselles et mesdames, soyez désormais en paix! Vous pouvez officiellement servir la messe ».

Une telle opinion appelle les éclaircissements suivants:

Il est exact que, tout en permettant aux laïcs d’être institués lecteurs et acolytes ― anciens ordres mineurs qui étaient réservés aux clercs ―, le Motu proprio Ministeria quaedam du 15 août 1972 précise que l’institution de ces ministères est réservée aux hommes (n. VII: cfr. Notitiae 9-1973, n. 79, p. 16). Notons qu’ils n’y a là aucune contradiction si l’on distingue bien l’exercice d’une fonction, accomplie per modum actus, et l’institution d’un ministère permanent, dont l’exercice habituel suppose une compétence particulière. Notons enfin que, dans le cas des femmes désignées comme ministres extraordinaires de l’Eucharistie, on ne peut assimiler leur fonction au ministère global du service de l’autel.


We take up in “La Vie du Diocèse”, official periodical of the Diocese of Mont-Laurier in Canada (28 January 1973, pp. 8-9), an article entitled “Women and Liturgy”, wherein the author notably writes:

“Some months ago a document was published in Rome which reformed the ‘ecclesiastical orders’, where it was well established that women could not gain admittance into these orders under any circumstance, not even to those of reader and acolyte. But a remark coming out of Rome consequently made it very clear that if women could not receive these orders, they could however carry out their functions. In that case, ladies and gentlemen, from now on be at peace! You can officially serve Mass.”

Such an opinion calls for the following clarifications:

It is correct that, while allowing the laity to be instituted as readers and acolytes ― ancient minor orders that were reserved to clerics ― the Motu proprio Ministeria quædam of 15 August 1982 explains that the institution of these ministers is reserved to men (n. VII; cf. Notitiæ 9-1973, n. 79, p. 16). We must note that there is no contradiction at all in making a clear distinction between the exercise of a function, fulfilled per modum actus, and the institution of a permanent ministry, the regular exercise whereof implies a particular competence. Finally we must note that, in the case of women designated as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, their function cannot be considered as similar to the overall ministry that is the service of the altar.

Notitiae 9 (1973): 164ministeria quaedam, womenPDF of Notitiae 9 (1973): 164